super diet pills |
We are regularly consumed nutritional supplements in the form of capsules. Since the wrapper accounts for approximately 26% of the weight of the product, its quality is extremely important.
With this in mind, the laboratories
SUPER DIET pills for easy weight loss have worked for 2 years in close cooperation with the supplier of the capsules to provide you with the first certified ORGANIC shell of the capsule: a real revolution! Thanks to our supplier we can reveal the secrets of this often undervalued component.
The criteria adopted by
SUPER DIET pills Laboratories for selection of the capsule shell?
There are 3 main points to consider: the origin of gelatin, a method of manufacturing and organic certification.
What are the origins of various gelatins available on the market?
Currently, there are 2 types of skins:
The so-called "factory" shell used by most manufacturers of food additives. He is widely known as capsule "a plant" or capsule HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose).
Shell is made of gelatin of animal origin. Gelatin is a substance that is naturally found in animal tissues. Therefore, sinks are bovine, porcine, avian or marine origin.
Are there any organically certified capsule shell?
Yes, there are a capsule shell made of certified organic gelatin gelatin. However, pork does not suit all on religious or ethical grounds (respect for animals). Organically certified bovine or avian shell. Similarly, no marine shells have not been certified organic to date.
How about the so-called "factory" capsules?
The so-called capsule "plant" or NRMS made from pine pulp transformed during reactions involving chemical solvents. The so-called capsule "plant" or NRMS not certified organic. NRS - non-agricultural, non-organic substance allowed for inclusion in organic products in accordance with European legislation. Therefore, the capsule should not be included when calculating the percentage of organic ingredients contained in the product. However, on average the capsule accounts for 26% of capsule weight.
What are the benefits of marine shell capsules?
Fish gelatin obtained from fish skin. This helps to reduce the amount of waste by improving the by-products of fisheries. The method used in the preparation of fish capsules, ordinary gelatin is subjected to only physical or water treatments.
As you have developed organically certified sea shell capsules?
We are still not satisfied with the shells of the capsules available on the market. Therefore, we work closely with our supplier of capsule shells with 2008. The method of manufacture of the shell is certified by Ecocert. Thanks to the excellent work of our provider we proudly present to you organically certified sea shell of gelatin.
Now available our organic capsules with marine gelatin capsules. Organic certified plants are always used in formulations.